Development Services

Each PRMS Member processes and issues their own development permits. Residents interested in doing development or construction should contact their municipal office for more information on development permit requirements. Note that a development permit is not the same as a building permit, and typically a development permit is required prior to a building permit being issued.

  • A development permit is issued by the municipality’s Development Authority in accordance with a municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. It allows a specific type of use or building and may contain specific conditions under which that development can occur, such as the height of a building, setbacks to property lines, and how many dwellings can be on the parcel. Check the municipality’s Land Use Bylaw for more information.
  • A building permit considers the construction and occupancy of a building in compliance with the Building Code in Alberta which addresses building and fire safety. Click here for more information on getting a building permit or other Safety Codes permits (electrical, gas, plumbing and private sewage) from PRMS.

PRMS offers the following Development Services to our Member municipalities:

  • A Development Permit Procedure Manual and comprehensive online training sessions for Development Officers and support staff
  • Template notices, letters and permits related to processing and issuing development permits
  • Municipal Planning Commission orientation manual and training sessions, including a template Municipal Planning Commission Bylaw
  • A Letter of Compliance Manual and template letters, including a template Letter of Compliance Policy
  • An Encroachment Policy Manual and templates
  • A Land Use Bylaw Enforcement Manual and templates, including warning letters and orders
  • Assisting municipalities in the review and processing of development permits
  • Preparing updated development permit application forms